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Support Us

Get Involved

The SM Movement is built upon the Holy Spirit and the SM Family in the USA.  Like all nonprofit organizations, we are looking for people to step into various roles to help the National Coordinating Team (NCT).

These are volunteer positions.  SMUSA will pay or reimburse direct expenses incurred when properly approved and documented.

The harvest is plenty but the workers are few.

Matthew 9:37

Let's Make A Change

The SM Movement is a ‘movement’ dedicated to the mobilization of all God’s people into meaningful involvement in the world Christian movement, through the formation of a biblical worldview that sees ‘mission’ as the ‘call’ upon every believer’s life and the primary purpose of the existence of the Church – both universal and local.


Simply Mobilizing USA is working to build this movement in the United States and beyond and we need your help. If you have been impacted on your mobilization journey through the work of Simply Mobilizing, would you consider a one-time or recurring donation to help us continue strengthening this movement for Kingdom impact across this country and to the world?


All donations of any kind are under the control of Simply Mobilizing USA, Inc., a 501(c)(3) corporation. By making this donation, you agree to relinquish control under IRS regulation. All such gifts are tax deductible under IRC §170(c)(2).


Ways You Can Donate or Pay:


Make a tax deductible donation‏.

To a Project

Choose specific giving projects to support.


Pay an invoice or a fee.

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