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Writer's pictureColleen Di Raddo

Coordinator Training

The United States National Coordinating Team conducted its first Coordinator Training January 18, with 11 potential Coordinators.

The United States National Coordinating Team conducted its first Coordinator Training January 18, with 11 potential Coordinators.

The trainers were:

Randy Hultman


Simply Mobilizing Int’l Board and United States-National Coordinating Team (US-NCT)

Colleen Di Raddo


United States-National Coordinator

The potential Coordinators included:

Joel and Betsy Eyestone (Washington), Bret Johnson (Nevada), Bob Kaess (North Carolina), Mark Ogden (Florida), Scott Modrall (Oregon), Larry Stucky (California), Sophia Wang (Pennsylvania), Joseph Yen (New York), and Sandy Eckelberry (Ohio).

Attending from the NCT were Joshua Rodenbaugh (Kentucky) and Isaac Chan (California). The next steps are for each candidate and the National Coordinating Team (NCT) to prayerfully seek the Lord’s guidance as to which Coordinator role(s) will be filled and the timeline for each person. We rejoice that an expanded National Coordinating Team and regional or specialized Coordination Teams have been started. We rejoice that a precious sense of community was built. We look forward to what God has in store as each person brings their gifts and calling to the mobilization movement in the US.

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